Dr. B.S.Tomar | Chairman & Chancellor of NIMS University |
Dr. Anurag Singh Tomar | Director |
Ms. Deeksha Sharma | Executive Director |
Friendly competitions, challenges and spirit of camaraderie lay the foundation of a well - rounded personality. Keeping the myntra of 'let's grow together', the school has four houses A student is given a house at the time of admission and then he/ she represents his/ her house in various Inter House Competitions held in the school from time to time. The Inter House Competitions range from Sports to Music, from Art to Elocution, from Theatre to Debate. These events are well spread across the academic year for juniors and seniors. At the end of the session the House with the highest tally points is recognized as 'The House of the Year'. The House Masters and other teachers (who are also the members of the House) supervise, guide and assist the students to nurture their talent according to their interest and caliber. Together, the teachers and students bring out the best in each other and strive hard throughout the year to win the coveted 'Best House Trophy’.
Promotion Policies
The school adopts a 'No Bag-no Homework' policy (For class pr-primary only) as it wants the students to have a pleasant childhood with no burden on them. Innovative & colourful worksheets & activities will ensure that they learn with them.
Wilful breach of examination rules is punishable with expulsion from the examination room or if discovered subsequently, cancellation of paper. In all cases the decision of the Principal shall be final.
For reasons such as unsatisfactory progress in studies, failing in 3 or more than three subjects, insufficient attendance, indiscipline or serious misconduct, a student may be debarred from the examination /may not be allowed renewal of admission.
Non -scholastic performance grades are allocated to the students on the basis of the following criteria:
- Art Education: Based on the student’s overall performance in Drawing, Music and Dance.
- Health Education: Based on general report from the PTI.
- Regularity: Based on total meetings attended by the student out of the maximum meetings.
- Punctuality: Based on remarks in the diary regarding late coming.
- Discipline: Based on remarks in the diary by any teacher regarding indiscipline behaviour/ homework not done etc.
- Attitude towards teachers, classmates: Based on Teacher’s observation.
- Attitude towards School programmes: Based on participation in various School programmes like Annual Function, Foundation Day etc.
- Extra Reading: Based on reading habits and library record.
Type of Assessment Marks Weightage in the academic session Weekly Test 10 20 Multiple Assessment 5 5 (average of three) Portfolio 5 5 (average of three) - Public Speaking: Based on participation in debates, speeches, elocution, news reading/ thoughts etc in assembly.
- Music /Dance /Dramatics/ Drawing and Painting / Games and Sports: Based on Inter School, Inter- House or State / District/ National level participation.
Scheme of Evaluation
Classes Nursery-II
- There will be no written test or exam for these classes.
- There will be a continuous comprehensive assessment of the child's progress.
- Term I - From April to September Term II - October to February
Classes III-V
Evaluation will be based on the student’s continuous academic performance during the year.
- Four sets of Monday tests will be held in all subjects for all classes according to the schedule. This will consist of assessment of pen and paper test, homework/classwork, assignments, projects, presentations, debates, discussions, quizzes etc.
- For IT, the first and third Monday tests will be Pen and Paper tests and the second and fourth Monday tests will be based on Practical and Viva voce.
Please note: Monday Test 4 of class 5 will be of 40 marks each in all the subjects except GK and IT.
Subject Enrichment Activity 5 Total Weightage 25 Grand Total ( For the entire Year) 25 marks x 4 Cycles= 100 marks - Term I - From April to September Term II - October to march
- Grades will also be awarded in the following areas of learning : Visual Art, Performing Art, Health and Physical Education and Discipline.
- Students scoring 33% and above in each subject and in the aggregate will qualify for promotion to the next class.
- Half day/ Short leave will not be granted under any circumstances on the weekly test days. In case a child writes the test and then leaves, he/ she will be marked absent for the day. In an emergency, written permission should be taken from the Principal.
- Students found using unfair means during any Monday test will be marked zero in that subject. No Retests will be held for such students.
Classes VI-VIII
- The academic year will be divided into two terms and examination will be held at the end of each term.
Term I – From end of March to middle of September (with examination in the month of September)
Term II – From end of September to middle of February (with examination in the month of February) - The syllabus in all the subjects will be divided into two terms.
For class VI – Term II will have 10% component of Term I syllabus
For class VII– Term II will have 20% component of Term I syllabus
For class VIII – Term II will have 30% component of Term I syllabus
Type of Assessment Marks Weightage in the academic session Monday Test 1 (MT1) 20 Average of M.T1 and M.T2 5 Monday Test 2 (MT2) 20 Average of M.T1 and M.T2 5 Multiple Assessment (MA) 5 Average of M.A +S.E.A + Portfolio 5 Portfolio 5 Average of M.A +S.E.A + Portfolio 5 Subject Enrichment Activity (SEA) 5 Average of M.A +S.E.A + Portfolio 5 Term I Examination 80 40 Term I Total 50 TERM II INTERNAL ASSESSMENT
Type of Assessment Marks Weightage in the academic session - Students scoring 33% and above in each subject and in the aggregate will qualify for promotion to the next class.
- Attendance in Monday test is compulsory. Students with less than 70% attendance will not be allowed to sit for the Term I/Term II examination.
- Grades will also be given in the following areas of learning: Visual Art, Performing Art, Health and Physical Education and Discipline.
- Students found using unfair means during any Monday test or Term Examination will be marked zero in that subject. No Retests will be held for such students. These students will not be eligible for any academic award or school appointment/ post.
Classes IX-XII
- The academic year will be divided into two terms and examination will be held at the end of each term.
- For classes IX and XI – At the end of the session, the student will be assessed/ evaluated on the basis of the entire syllabus covered in both the terms.
Term I – From end of March to middle of September ( with examination in the month of September).
Type of Assessment Marks Average Weightage in the academic session Monday Test 3 (MT3) 20 Average of MT3 and MT4 5 Monday Test 4 (MT4) 20 Average of MT3 and MT4 5 Multiple Assessment (MA) 5 Average of MA +SEA + Portfolio 5 Portfolio 5 Average of MA +SEA + Portfolio 5 Subject Enrichment Activity (SEA) 5 Average of MA +SEA + Portfolio 5 Term I Examination 80 40 Term I Total 50
Term II – From end of September to middle of February ( with examination in the month of February). - For classes X and XII
Mid Term Examination will be held in the second week of May. First Term Examination will be held in September with the rest of the school. Pre Board I and Pre Board II Examination will be held in December and January respectively. - Monday tests will be held in all subjects for all classes according to the schedule given in the almanac. Weightage and Marks for Monday Tests and Term End Examination for the final evaluation is given below:
For classes IX, X and XII, the weightage of marks for Monday Test and Term Examination will be as per CBSE guidelines
Note: Duration of Monday Test will be 1 Hour and 20 minutes. - Students scoring 33% and above in each subject and in the aggregate will qualify for promotion to the next class.
- Attendance in the Monday Test is compulsory. Students with less than 70% attendance will not be allowed to sit for the Term I / Term II examination.
- Grades will also be given in the following areas of learning : Work experience and Physical Education, Performing Arts, Life skills, General Studies etc.
- Students found using unfair means during any Monday Test or Term Examination, will be marked zero in that subject. No re-test will be held for such students. These students will not be eligible for any school appointment/ post.